In the "Java programming language", the class is the most important role, in a way, in class there is a class in Java. Java I class is a keyword. In Java, class is a type such as data types.
You can understand class in Java by an example. Suppose we use a class to keep the details of Empoloyee in a company. Such as Empoloyee's name, age phone number, id etc. These are variables of all classes. Now for every Empoloyee we will not create different variables in different class, we avoid using this class to avoid this.
Since java is an object oriented programming language, this language is programmed on the base of the object, so class creation in it becomes mandatory because you create the object of the class. You create a reference variable named the class which points to its object.
You have to use simple simple class keyword to create a class. You create a main method in your class because the execution of the program starts with the main method, without the main method, you can not execute the program. How many classes can be created in Java, but the main method is created only in one class because execution of the program starts with the main method. For example, you can see a code.
So in this way you create a class in java, now you have come to understand how to create a class in java.
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With this example, you would have been able to understand how to make a class in your program.
You can understand class in Java by an example. Suppose we use a class to keep the details of Empoloyee in a company. Such as Empoloyee's name, age phone number, id etc. These are variables of all classes. Now for every Empoloyee we will not create different variables in different class, we avoid using this class to avoid this.
Since java is an object oriented programming language, this language is programmed on the base of the object, so class creation in it becomes mandatory because you create the object of the class. You create a reference variable named the class which points to its object.
You have to use simple simple class keyword to create a class. You create a main method in your class because the execution of the program starts with the main method, without the main method, you can not execute the program. How many classes can be created in Java, but the main method is created only in one class because execution of the program starts with the main method. For example, you can see a code.
Example :
So in this way you create a class in java, now you have come to understand how to create a class in java.
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- Abstract class in java with example.
* Advantages of class :
Classes also have some of your advantages which are very important to know, so before knowing you know about some of its advantages.
• Secure - Java has been provided security to the class, 4-types of access identifiers have been provided for those who provide security to class in java language, so class features in Java are the best.
• Less complexityy - With less complexity, Java's program execution time takes less time, Java's source code becomes less fast due to the complexity and the user gets the output quickly. This is the best feature of it.
• Object oriented - Object Oriented, making java programs easier by creating the object of the class. And its code becomes less because it is less and it gets executed quickly, it also has its best features.
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- Interfaces in Java with examples.
* Creating a class :
The simple class keyword (for ex: - "class Simple") is used to create class "Java". You can create many classes in a source program but they are created in the same class as main method because the program's execution starts from the main method only. JVM first finds the main method in our program and starts the execution of the program from the main method.
The program execution line by line is done in Java. We public declare the main method in our program, here public keyword is an access identifier. Publicly declare this because JVM (Java Virtual Machine) can access it. And get the main method and start the execution of the program. So let's learn how to class through a simple example.
Source Code :
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