➧Method Overriding in Java :
When there are more than one different class named Java in the source code of Java. And the name of the method made in those classes and their signature are also Same (here signature means its return type). In this case, Programmers overrides the Methods of Parent Class and uses its properties. The same concepts are called method overriding only.
Attention : The constructor can not be override. The constructor is only overloaded.
Read Also :
In the last lesson we had read the concepts of Method Overloading. Concept of method overloading also had more than one class and the names of the methods made in them were also Same. But the number of Parameters passed within Methods of Return Type and Methods were different.
The concept overloading of the method could only be implemented by creating a class but creating more than one class in the Concept of Method Overriding is mandatory. There is only so much difference between Method Overloading and Method Overriding Concepts. In this Lession, we will better understand the concepts of Method Overriding.
- Methods in java - Method overloading v/s Method overriding.
- Method overloading in java with Examples.
In the last lesson we had read the concepts of Method Overloading. Concept of method overloading also had more than one class and the names of the methods made in them were also Same. But the number of Parameters passed within Methods of Return Type and Methods were different.
The concept overloading of the method could only be implemented by creating a class but creating more than one class in the Concept of Method Overriding is mandatory. There is only so much difference between Method Overloading and Method Overriding Concepts. In this Lession, we will better understand the concepts of Method Overriding.
Source Code for Method Overriding :
OUTPUT : I am Student
In this program, two classes have been created, the name of a class is teacher, which is Parent Class in this program, and a void show () name has been created in it. The name of the second class is called Student, which is a child, in this class, a void show named Same Parent Class has been created. Throughout the program, student class (which is a child class), the method named void show () of Teacher Class has been override.
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Note – For More Core & Advance Java Concepts , Tutorials And Programs Are Available in www.kptechsolution.com
In this program, two classes have been created, the name of a class is teacher, which is Parent Class in this program, and a void show () name has been created in it. The name of the second class is called Student, which is a child, in this class, a void show named Same Parent Class has been created. Throughout the program, student class (which is a child class), the method named void show () of Teacher Class has been override.
➧Difference b/w Method Overloading & Method Overriding :
1. The Return-Type of Method may vary in Method Overloading.
1. There is Return-Type Same of Method in Method Overriding.
2. Merhod overloading can also be defined in a one class.
2. Creating more than one class is mandatory in Case of Overriding Method.
3. Using Method "Static" in Method Overloading you can make Method Static.
3. Method can not be made statatic in overriding method.
4. Method Overloading is a run-time polymorphism.
4. Method Overriding is a compile-time polymorphism.
5. Method of Overloading: All Methods of Class are called One-by-One.
5. Override the method of Child Class Parent in Method Overriding, so we call the method of child class only by creating an object.
6. Method Overloading includes Access Specifiers such as Public, Private and Protected.
6. Access Overriding can also use Access Specifiers.
Read Also :
- Methods in java - Method overloading v/s Method overriding.
- Method overloading in java with Examples.
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Note – For More Core & Advance Java Concepts , Tutorials And Programs Are Available in www.kptechsolution.com